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The journal Universum is a publication of the Institute for Humanistic Studies Juan Ignacio Molina in the University of Talca in Chile.

The University of Talca was founded in 1981 following the merger of the former headquarters of the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Técnica del Estado (UTE). It offers 24 undergraduate courses. It also counts 24 graduate programs which are distributed in 20 master's degrees and 4 PhDs, and 4 specialty programs. The University of Talca's mission is to train people within a framework of values. It aims for excellence in the cultivation of the sciences, arts, literature and technological innovation.  It is committed to the progress and welfare of the region and Chile. It maintains an ongoing dialogue and interaction with the social, cultural and economic development, both locally and globally.

The University of Talca has instituted the Premio Iberoamericano de Letras to honor José Donoso, considered the best-known Chilean novelist.  He translated and studied in United States and Europe for his great contribution to the Latin American literary boom and the foundation of the literary movement known as Magical Realism. The first issue of the journal Universum is dedicated to him.

Universum Journal seeks to stimulate discussion and communication of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the University, the region, the country and abroad. It aims to stimulate the creation of original works of interest, considering the necessity of reflection on the status of the Humanities and Social Sciences as a way to build a country intellectually recognized.

The journal consists of three sections: -- articles, notes, and bibliographic information. The articles show progress or conclusions of a study or research. Each paper is peer reviewed by its Editorial Committee and, if necessary by an outside consultant. The Editorial Committee is made up of scholars from top universities in Chile, with council of External Evaluators – scholars from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and the US.  

Universum publishes biannually since 1986 and is included in LatAm-Studies Full Text.

For further information, please visit: Revista Universum Universidad de Talca