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The Journal Bizantion Nea Hellas is published by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile. It was begun in 1967 supported by the Government of Greece and the Center for Byzantine and Neo-Hellenics Studies.

As a pioneer journal in Latin America, it is responsible for presenting papers in Spanish developed by qualified researchers around the world. The mission of The Journal Bizantion Nea Hellas is to grow and further knowledge about history, literature, art, philosophy, economics and Greek languages in the Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic periods of medieval and Modern Greek culture.

Bizantion Nea Hellas is supported by world leaders, including ambassadors, presidents and leaders of major universities and think tanks in the field. The journal contains both articles and monographs, including a biography of the Greek language.

Lat-Am Studies Full Text includes all the published issues of the journal to date

For further information, please contact the editor: jortizg@uchile.cl