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Revista internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad (RIAI) (International Journal of Support for Inclusion, Speech Therapy, Society and Multiculturalism) is a four-monthly journal that aims to identify, produce, promote and disseminate analysis and research related to inclusive education, speech therapy, speech therapy, society and multiculturalism.

The journal is coordinated by the Faculty of the University of Jaén, Granada, Seville, Portugal and Brazil. It is aimed at professionals, students, affected people and families related to educational and social inclusion, phonoaudiology and multiculturalism.

The main themes of the journal are inclusive education, speech therapy, society and multiculturalism. The RIAI publishes original and unpublished research articles of a scientific and theoretical nature, arbitrated by blind peers external to the journal, in a rigorous selection process.

The University of Jaén (UJA or UJAEN) is a public university based in Andalusia, Spain. It is a young university created in July 1993. Most of its centers are located in the Campus Las Lagunillas of Jaén, although it also has centers in the cities of Linares and Úbeda. In September 2015, the Scientific-Technological Campus of Linares became operational. According to the Times Higher Education magazine ranking, it is one of the 800 best universities in the world, ranking among the 50 best universities under fifty years of age.

All RIAI content is available in LatAm-Studies Full text.

For further information, please visit:
Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad
