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Humania del Sur (South Humania) is the journal of Latin American, African and Asian studies of the School of Humanities and Education at the University of Los Andes in Merida, Venezuela. It is published by the Center of Studies of Africa and Asia (CEAA) "José Manuel Briceño Monzillo". It is sponsored by the Center for Humanistic Scientific and Technological Development (CDHT) from the same University.

The Universidad de Los Andes is an autonomous national university, 90% funded by the state. It teaches in the areas of: Basic Science, Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Agricultural and Sea Sciences, Health Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Humanities, Literature and Arts. It also provides important services and programs to support its community. The CEAA is an academic unit of the Department of Universal History of the History School, Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of Los Andes. It is dedicated to teaching and research on the politics, cultures, philosophies, economics, history, and scientific and technological developments in the countries of Africa and Asia, with emphasis on its relations with Venezuela. It brings together a multidisciplinary group of researchers to analyze the Social Sciences and Humanities from different angles. Their research results are aimed to specialized media as well as to the general public through their own publications and academic activities. The Center is named after José Manuel Briceño Monzillo, who was an investigator for the study of the Venezuelan border. He wrote the history of the gradual dismemberment of Venezuela and reported the major problems in the Venezuelan border. He also raised awareness about the need to defend the national territory to warn of future losses from it.

Humania del Sur receives new contributions in Spanish, English and French. Its publication is arbitrated by the Editorial Board an Advisory Board composed of distinguished professionals and academics from prominent universities of Venezuela, Mexico, Italy, France, India, China and Japan.

The journal Humania del Sur aims to promote reflection about common problems of three different continents. It opens a space to different trends and currents of thought that runs on the universal occurrence in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The journal arranges the articles in the following sections:

         Debate: convokes distinguished specialists to lecture on selected topics.

         Kaleidoscope: allows for voluntary contributions.

         Dialogue: Presents views of not common leading figures.

         Documents: provides the researcher with sources of high value.

         Replica: section to exchange ideas.

Humania del Sur has published bi-annually since February 2007. Its articles are included in LatAm-Studies Full Text.

For further information, please visit: Humania del Sur, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos