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Historia Caribe (Caribbean History) is published by the group of History Education and National Identity attached to the History Program of the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad del Atlántico (UA).

The Universidad del Atlántico is a recognized public, departmental, research university based in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia. It was created in 1946 under the tutelage of Julio Enrique Blanco, a prominent Colombian philosopher who started the modern philosophy in Colombia. The UA is now the largest higher education institution by student population in the department of Atlántico, it has three campus that offer education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Its professionals have made important contributions in the development of their country; particularly the Colombian-Caribbean region in the fields of Education, Arts, Human Sciences, the Natural Sciences, Architecture and Engineering. One of his most important contributions in the field of human sciences is the dissemination of works through the journal Historia Caribe.

Historia Caribe publishes writings that are the result or progress of original research and that represent a significant contribution to knowledge of the social history of education, identity and culture in the Colombian Caribbean. Because of its rigor and circulation, it has become the most important journal specialized in History of the aforementioned region.

Historia Caribe covers the historiographical debate and new trends in the discipline. It biannually presents original and unpublished articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Each paper is anonymously evaluated by an outside arbiter prior to acceptance. LatAm-Studies holds at present online volumes from 2002 onward and is working on getting the entire collection.

For further information, please visit: Historia del Caribe