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The journal Fermentum is edited by the HUMANIC: Center for Research in Human Sciences (formerly GISAC Research Group in Sociology of the City) attached to the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Los Andes in Merida (ULA), Venezuela. It is financially supported by the National Fund for Development of Science and Technology (FONACIT), the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Council of Scientific and Humanistic Development (CDCH) of the Universidad de los Andes. Fermentum also has the backing of the International Sociological Asosiation (ISA), the Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS) and the Venezuelan Association of Sociology (AVS).

Fermentum first circulated in May 1991. It was created with the aim of promoting discussion, knowledge, exchange, and dissemination of sociological and anthropological scientific papers in particular and the human sciences in general. It is a good place to find research on the area of Mérida, but it also covers Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Fermentum is a quarterly publication of international circulation. The articles are original and peer reviewed by a board of national and international scholars from Latin America, Europe, and North America.  

It also has an electronic version (www.saber.ula.ve/fermentum) and it’s included in the following international indexes: Latindex, Scielo Venezuela, Hapi, Abstracs Sociological, Redalyc, REVENCYT, and REDINSE FOBAL.

 LatAm Studies Full Text includes each of the numbers back to volume 1 in 1991.

For further information, please visit: Revista Fermentum