The University of Concepcion was born in 1919 as the first regional
university in Chile. Since its founding as a center it has ran several
reports: for the public, university, scientific research and experimentation
and promotion of the highest literary, humanistic and philosophical culture.
It is an institution of higher education, organized as a Corporation of
Private Law. It hosts several companies with a high level of development and
commitment to the community. The University is guided under the slogan: "For
the free spirit".
The University of Concepcion is recognized as the first technology platform
in Chile. In December 1995 it helped to visualize the internet as it is
known today. Since 1996, through Anillo Litterae, the University
disseminates all the electronic publications printed or distributed in any
format or platform that has been created by the architect and chief editor,
Juan Carlos Pantoja Ibáñez, under the auspices of the “Cofradía NN” (guild
NN). It is raised on the goal regarding the promotion of authors of the
generation NN of Temuco. At present, Anillo Litterae remains as one
of the most important repositories of Chile literary publications online.
The editorial policy of publishing literature belonging to Anillo
Litterae is designed to disseminate, promote and discuss
institutionalized literature, directing its efforts to collect material from
all parts of the region, the country or abroad to disseminate, preferably
not known works and authors.
LatAm-Studies Full-Text offers the following publications from
Anillo Litterae: |
The journal Arieté was born at the University of Concepción in 2006.
It is created by the digital Chief Editor of “Litterae Nacional and
International” Juan Carlos Pantoja Ibáñez. Arieté is a space to
promote poetry in the national metropolitan area, Valparaíso, Concepción and
Temuco in an effort to retrieve the poetry of the Generation of 80, 87 and
NN or years of hard deep Chile, especially those poets of the south of the
For further information, please visit:
Arieté, poesía urbana contemporánea |
In December 1995 the University of Concepción starts hosting their online
publications with El Ciudadano de dos Mundos (the citizen of two
worlds) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Its founder, Leonardo Ojeda
Torres, literary manager, responsible of the strategy area of Casa Litterae,
belongs to the «Cofradía secreta» (secret brotherhood) of Chile.
The creation of El Ciudadano de dos Mundos is achieved in a
centralized effort, not a team, nor corporate policies, but of individual
This journal is intended to cover the urgent need for the writer to produce
or publish with the security of the global dissemination of its work and its
recognition as an author.
For further information, please visit:
El Ciudadano de dos Mundos |
Litterae Nacional
is an electronic journal of regional analysis, dissemination and research in
literature founded in 1999. It has been read by more than 20 Latin American
and European Spanish-speaking countries and 30 not Spanish speaking
countries, some as far away as Japan, China, Korea, Turkey, Austria, Belgium
and Greece, or as close as The United States, Mexico, Guatemala, among
others. Litterae Nacional receives and disseminates national and
international works. It is aimed exclusively to the analysis, research and
dissemination of Chilean regional literature, preferably not enshrined.
For further information, please visit:
Litterae Nacional |
Litterae International was launched in 1999 given the demand for local
literature from other countries and foreign authors published in Litterae
Nacional. This electronic publication crosses boundaries of language and
cultures; it is read in over 50 countries with about 5000 captive readership
and is today the top online literary publication in Spanish. The journal
publishes: theoretical essays, transdisciplinary approach experiences,
interviews, articles, prose, poetry and literary works in general.
The editorial board consists of: 4 Doctors of literature of various
universities in Chile and Europe, two Chilean Teachers of the literature
area, 2 edited and published writers and two poets published and edited by
an Information Architect.
For further information, please visit:
Litterae Internacional |